Sternlab | Sequence Control
Sequence Control is an Arduino interface controlled animation system written in Processing. It gives the user the option to pause, frame forward, frame backward, and adjust the speed of the animation.
Sternlab is a collaboration between R. Stern and D. Rocamora, two artists living in New York City.
You may download the project .zip file, which includes the Arduino and Processing sketches as well as a circuit schematic diagram.
Processing code:
/* * Sequence Control * Copyright Sternlab 2006. * licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license * viewable at: * contact[at]sternlab[dot]org * * This program animates images and uses an arduino-powered input device to control that animation. * More information about this project can be found at */ import processing.serial.*; int numFrames = 20; // The number of frames in the animation int frame = 0; int speed = 15; //initial framerate PImage[] images = new PImage[numFrames]; Serial port; String portname = "/dev/cu.usbserial-A3000YYR"; int baudrate = 9600; int value = 0; //for storing intial serial data String buffer=""; //for buffering up serial data float value1 = 0.0; //for converting buffered serial data to numbers int stepper = 1; //for stepping frames void setup() { size(720, 480); key = 'a'; for(int i=0; i < numFrames; i++) { String imageName = "470" + ((i < 10) ? "0" : "") + i + ".jpg"; images[i] = loadImage(imageName); } port = new Serial(this, portname, baudrate); println(port); frameRate(speed); } void draw() { while(port.available() > 0){ value =; serialEvent(value); //println(value); } frame+=stepper; if(frame >= numFrames){ frame = 0; } else if(frame < 0){ frame = numFrames-1; } image(images[frame], 0, 0); //println(speed); } void serialEvent(int serial){ if(serial == 'P'){ //pause stepper = 0; } else if(serial == 'R'){ //step frame reverse stepper = 0; frame--; } else if(serial == 'F'){ //step frame forward stepper = 0; frame++; }else{ stepper = 1; if(serial!=10) { //10 is a line break // add event to buffer buffer += char(serial); } else { // if serial is line break set set the speed and clear the buffer value1 = float(buffer); speed = int(value1/9.0 + 1); //println(speed); frameRate(speed); buffer=""; } } println(speed); }
Arduino code:
/* * Sequence Control * Copyright Sternlab 2006. * licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license * viewable at: * contact[at]sternlab[dot]org * * This program animates images and uses an arduino-powered input device to control that animation. * More information about this project can be found at */ int ledPin1 = 5; // LED connected to digital pin int ledPin2 = 6; int ledPin3 = 7; int ledPin4 = 8; int potPin = 5; // select the input pin for the potentiometer int val = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor int value = 0; int lastval = 0; int pausePin = 2; int ffPin = 3; int revPin = 4; int currentPin; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin4, OUTPUT); pinMode(pausePin, INPUT); pinMode(ffPin, INPUT); pinMode(revPin, INPUT); Serial.begin(9600); // use the serial port to send the values back to the computer } void flashLED(int whichPin, int duration){ digitalWrite(whichPin, HIGH); // sets the LED on delay(duration*2); // waits for a second digitalWrite(whichPin, LOW); // sets the LED off delay(duration/2); // waits for a second } void updateSpeed(){ value = analogRead(potPin); val = 1024 / value + 1; // read the value from the sensor if (val != lastval){ //Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(value); // print the value to the serial port //Serial.print(" "); lastval = val; } } void loop() { if ( digitalRead(pausePin) == 0) { Serial.print("P"); if (!digitalRead(ffPin)){ Serial.print('F'); currentPin++; if (currentPin > ledPin4){ currentPin = ledPin1; } flashLED(currentPin, val+20); delay(10); } else if (!digitalRead(revPin)) { Serial.print("R"); currentPin--; if (currentPin < ledPin1){ currentPin = ledPin4; } flashLED(currentPin, val+20); delay(10); } else { delay(10); } } else{ updateSpeed(); delay(val); flashLED(ledPin1, val); currentPin = ledPin1; updateSpeed(); flashLED(ledPin2, val); currentPin = ledPin2; updateSpeed(); flashLED(ledPin3, val); currentPin = ledPin3; updateSpeed(); flashLED(ledPin4, val); currentPin = ledPin4; } }